Saturday, May 2, 2009

Have convenience foods improved the way people live?

In the past, people cooked their own vegetables, fruits and meat. Nowadays, however, people cook or buy convenience foods. In this essay I will state whyconvenience foods are useful and improve our life. I believe this for fast, easy and cheap.

To begin with, convenience foods are can cooked very quickly. This is good point for people of today who are busy people as businesspeople. They do not nave lot of time or need lot of time, so they do not wait for food that take a long time as a gorgeous and luxury reataurant. The busy people choose fast-food restaurants or frozen foods because they take a short time to cook. I agree that people have more time because of fast cooking time of convenience foods.

Then goes on with, convenience foods are easy to cook and carry. Lot of people carry. Lot of people carry the convenience foods. It also means they do not have much time to seat for eating. They cook or thaw convenience foods at home. If you stay alone at home, you might be lazy. In this time, do you want to cook for just yourself? many of them might not want to comlicated cooking, so they prefer to thaw frozen foods. It is easy and simple to cook alone. I feel that convenience foods are useful to people who want more easy and simple one.

Thirdly, cooking needs lot of foodstuffs as vegetables, meat and etc. We also spend lot of money for buying lot of foodstuffs, because foodstuffs are individual things and they have each different prise. However, if you buy convenience foods, it has lower price than individual foodstuffs. Convenience foods are packed a bundle, so they are cheaper. The way I see it, buying convenience foods are more economical than buying foodstuffs. Lot of people want rational things. This is siutable for them.

To sum up, convenience foods not only have bad points, but they also have good points. They give a health problem, but on the other hand, they improve our life as saving our time or making simple to cook. It makse sense on fast, easy and cheap.