Saturday, May 2, 2009

Have convenience foods improved the way people live?

In the past, people cooked their own vegetables, fruits and meat. Nowadays, however, people cook or buy convenience foods. In this essay I will state whyconvenience foods are useful and improve our life. I believe this for fast, easy and cheap.

To begin with, convenience foods are can cooked very quickly. This is good point for people of today who are busy people as businesspeople. They do not nave lot of time or need lot of time, so they do not wait for food that take a long time as a gorgeous and luxury reataurant. The busy people choose fast-food restaurants or frozen foods because they take a short time to cook. I agree that people have more time because of fast cooking time of convenience foods.

Then goes on with, convenience foods are easy to cook and carry. Lot of people carry. Lot of people carry the convenience foods. It also means they do not have much time to seat for eating. They cook or thaw convenience foods at home. If you stay alone at home, you might be lazy. In this time, do you want to cook for just yourself? many of them might not want to comlicated cooking, so they prefer to thaw frozen foods. It is easy and simple to cook alone. I feel that convenience foods are useful to people who want more easy and simple one.

Thirdly, cooking needs lot of foodstuffs as vegetables, meat and etc. We also spend lot of money for buying lot of foodstuffs, because foodstuffs are individual things and they have each different prise. However, if you buy convenience foods, it has lower price than individual foodstuffs. Convenience foods are packed a bundle, so they are cheaper. The way I see it, buying convenience foods are more economical than buying foodstuffs. Lot of people want rational things. This is siutable for them.

To sum up, convenience foods not only have bad points, but they also have good points. They give a health problem, but on the other hand, they improve our life as saving our time or making simple to cook. It makse sense on fast, easy and cheap.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This is Korean music, the name of the band is Bigbang.

I really enjoy it! You too?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Best Clothes, Uinform

Are you a student? Every principals want their students look like neat and polite. They think if students weared uniforms, they would look like neat and polite. However, some of principals think grades 11 and 12 can wear plain clothes, because they are almost adults and if they go to university, they will wear their own clothes. In this essay I will state why grades 11 and 12 need uniforms, I believe this for saving times, saving money and careful behavior at outside.

To begin with, grades 11 and 12 need enough time for their study. For example, even though a girl is a grade 12 student, she can wear her own clothes in school, and she needs to buy new colthes at least per three weeks. She also needs to take a break, but if she just wants to buy clothes and doesn't study anymore, it is a problem. However, if students wear a uniform in grades 11 and 12, they isn't troubled about clothes every morning. I agree that wearing uniforms in grades 11 and 12 gives a lot of times.

Then goes on with, students don't have enough money for shopping. They can't make enough money. If a student has some money and buys a clothes, he/she won't buy necessary school supploes, but if he/she wears a uniform, he/she doesn't need a lot of clothes. To my mind, wearing uniform could helps to save money.

Thirdly, grades 11 and 12 look like adults, but they also look like children when they act chidish as a rude behavior. The principals want polite sutudents. Uniforms may help to behave more careful than wearing plain clothes, because people know the students who go to which school with uniforms.

To sum up, some people might think that studenes in grades 11 and 12 don't meed uniforms, because they need to adapt to university where they don't wear uniforms. Most students who are not in university need the uniform. It makes sense on saving times, saving money and careful behavior at outside.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Media violence has a Nagative Effect

Do you like movies or video and internet games? More and more producers are making violent movies and games. They affect many children and adults in different ways. We should realize this problem as not everyone is able to enjoy the watching with out negative consequences. People should understand that movies and games are fictional. In this essay I will satate why media violence has a negative effect on people, I believe this for the wrong encouragement of the media and the way youngsters imitatfictional characters. A solution to the ratingsystems from governments, but I consider that sometimes it is not effective.

To begin with, violent movies or games encourage audience and players toward bad things, for instance they make blogs and homepages about violence, they search for pictures and exchange posters showing wiolence attitudes and behavior. There movies and games affect teenagers and youngs people in their twenties who imitate the actors and violent actions in the movies, especiallywhen they have to solve a problem. One of problem, they want to show themselves who follow the actor, especially, children. The children may like heros and follow their actions; for example, one child wanted to be Superman, so he jumped from the balcony. Kids do not know which behavior to follow , and then you have this terrible consequeces, a small child being dead because of a movie. Another problem is someone who might be having low self - esteem, and he/she might ve focussing on movies or games characters and actions, hiding this way their weaknesses. Moreover, someone who has serious mental disorders and asts the way mentioned before, they can even kill people or burn cars, public buildings, ets. It won't be the first time that we hear something like this on the news. I agree that people following the characters and actions in movies or games is a dangerous thing and might cause serious accidents.

Then goes on with, violent movies or games need rating system from govenment, but I think that sometimes it is not effective. The government just makes rating system and rating marks on movie or game. It influences people who go to theater or buy game at shop while rating system doesn't influences people who download file as movie or game on the internet. The government doesn't know and doesn't take sanction most of them.

To sum up, violent movies and games not only have enjoyment, but they also have problems. They make one of new way in our leisure time, but on the other hand, they may cause some serious social problems.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Everyday women have to decide what to wear in order to go to work, school, or even shopping. How you dress vert important for women. Furthermore, accesorizes are also important, especially shoes. Women have the option between high-heels and flat shoes. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast the differences between putting on high-heels and flat shoes.

To begin with, we need shoes everyday and every time. They are part of our daily safety. Let me explain this point, if we don't wear shoes, we are exposed to different dangerous things, as stepping on small pieces of rock, broken pieces of glass, or feculences -- like dirty things. It is a fact that high-heels are sometimes dangerous compared to wearing flats. For instance, sometimes it can occur that when women put on high-heels, they sprain their ankles due to a wrong movement.

Then goes on with, the present day, shoes are one of the fashion without distinction of age or sex, because we want to show our fashion for dther people. It is good idea with the fashion trade, so they start to make high-heels more beautiful, more fantastic and more sexy as stiletto heel, spike heel, french heel, wedge heel, and etc. However, some of women as tall as basketball players wear mot high-heels but flat shoes. The fashion trade also make flat shoes like sandal, slip-on shoes, thongs, and etc. Both high-heels and flat shoes have wonderful colors and many different styles.

Yet another difference between these two types of shoes is the comfort. Flat shoes are more comfortable than high-heels. For example, some of women work to stand during work time or to walk much time, but they wear the high-heel for their suit. When they return home after work, they may massage for their tired feet. So someone wear the flat shoes during walk outside.

Here are the main differences between wearing high-heels and wearing flat shoes. As we can see it comes down to a personal choice, based on the time each person wants to look like fashionable person or wants more comfotable than fashion. Therfore it is important that you consider tour possibilities and choose the best type of shoes for your convenience and pursuit.

Friday, January 30, 2009

What do you think about Chines New Year

(Can I use Lunar New Year? - I'm not Chines..)

Lunar New Year is important to Nartheast Asia-China and Korea.
Long time ago, we use lunar calender, so we use traditional anni-versary by lunar calender.

Anyway, Lunar New Year is same meaning as New Year(1st. JAN). Old people say well-meant remarks for kid and young people on the Lunar New Year day. Also, old people give some money to young people.

And then, I think relatives, traditional foods, traditional games, traditional clothes and money. This are main things about Lunar New Year that is my thinking. I like to meet my relatives, but this year and next year, I don't meet them.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

McDonalds, the King

On busy day at lunch time, where do you go to eat? Wonderful restaurant? or cozy cafe? Maybe, they are everything is slowly ; like service and food. And than, where is fast? Right! There is a fast-food restaurant. The McDonalds and the Burger King are most famous fast-food restaurant.

They have hamburger set meals, several hamburgers, drinks, and some side menu. Everything looks like same on the whole. Their logos are similar color, and there is same structure of a set meal, but we look detail between them and we will find some difference.

First, Hamburgers are different. In my subjective judgment, Burger King's hamburgers have much sauce of patty - like a meat in the hamburger - and hamburgers are quite big. However, the McDonalds' hamburgers are pretty good size for a meal. Second, drinks. The Burger King contracts with Pepsi, and Pepsi is so sweeter than Coke with the McDonalds. Third, french fries. The McDonalds' french fries are so crispy, but the Burger King's french fries are soft, not crispy.

And than how about their brand? I want to talk about their mascot. Do you know the McDonalds' mascot? You will say,"Yes, of course.", because McDonalds advertises many times with their mascot ; on the TV and poster of the wall. However, do you know the Burger King's mascot? I don't see the mascot of the Burger King.

People are intimate with the McDonalds' mascot and the McDonalds like these reasons. Everything is better than Burger King - as a set menu, drink's taste, and their brand!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Clothes-looks like cool!

I like a clothes and wonderful style!